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Reviews and Recommendations

Review: The Cursed Ones

Okay, BEFORE I START....When I review, I give you a certain number of points out of ten on subjects that I think are critical to the story. After I complete giving you points, I take them and average them out, and that's the rating that I give your story. If you fix what I point out, and I find it to be satisfactory to MY taste, I'll come back and edit the review and boot your points up so you have a better rating. Needless to say, I don't hold back from my opinions, so if I offend you, I apologize in advance. Just realize I am entitled to my own opinion, and if you aren't satisfied with what I have to say, I'm sorry.

Okay, SO. FrostWrathbomber asked me to review her story. Here you go:

The Cursed Ones

I loved your story! I thought it was really interesting (minus a few grammar issues) But it’s one of the best I’ve seen so far. Great job writing! I might post it on Tumblr for you so you can get more views and subscribers. (I have like 8,000 followers who eat up fan-fic ahaha) Because YOUR STORY WAS THAT AWESOME.


Cover picture, Characters, and Summary – 9.5
I loved your cover picture. It drew me in to reading your story! Your character list seemed mostly complete, minus a few lacking descriptions/pictures, so good job on that...and your summary was a little short, but better than most.

Plot - 8
I liked your ideas, but I found your first few chapters to be a little rushed and it was confusing for me to read because I’m just like...WHOA INFORMATION OVERLOAD. So, just try to explain a little better as time goes on. Certainly you last few chapters were better. ;)

Chapter Length/Content - 7
I found the length of your chapters to be an average length. I’d try to make them a little lengthier so you can pack more information in!!

Basic Editing Skills - 8
There were a few problems here and there, but nothing that leapt out and screamed ECHO! OH MY GODS HOW CAN YOU READ THIS? IT’S SO BADLY EDITED! ARGH! (Your first two chapters need a little editing help)

Overall Grammatical Structure – 8.5
YOU PUT IN DIALOGUE SPACES! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! OH MY GODS! Great job on mostly everything. You missed the occasional punctuation mark, but the basic grammar is very sound (according to my standards, which are pretty high.) However, use some bigger, more descriptive words to get your points across. Then...well, let’s just say you’re my new competition.

Descriptive Elements - 5
You set the scene nicely, but I think you can do better. I know you got dem skillz. ;) Try to throw in a few sentences here and there that sort of set up a better image in the readers mind as you write. That way, you build the image while introducing a new idea.

My Comprehension - 10
I had a great time reading! Keep on going! ;)

Okay, so the rating for this story is...8.0. Great work! :D



That's fine :) Thanks

Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's not finished yet.

galeckey1234 galeckey1234

Absolutely! I'll let you know when it's up. :)

I would really appreciate it if you reviewed my fanfic: Sparks in the Flame. I get really bad writers block sometimes and would just really like to see what you think of it.

galeckey1234 galeckey1234

Helloooo ;)