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Teaching Myself To Draw


This is going to be long and tedious for me, with long stretches between drawings because I so often hate my creations. I've decided to teach myself how to draw because, well, because I feel like it.

If you want to tag along for the ride and watch me slowly improve (I'm fairly sure that will happen but with me you can never be sure) then subscribe and laugh at my terribly drawn faces! Maybe even something random now and again like a flower or a bird? Who knows! And no one cares! SO I'm going to do this whether I have support or not. OK, I'm going to stop now because this is really long and I've run out of things to say. Uh, bye.

P.S. In case your confused as to why I used crime as one of my genres, it's because drawings as bad as mine are a criminal offence. Enjoy! (Bwahahahahaaaaaa!)


Lily (ValdezChic)

Lily (ValdezChic)

I'm not a character but I'm drawing this s*** so... yeah. Oh my gods, Lily, you don't need to put asterisks after every four letter word that starts with s! That actually says soot, by the way. I'm just being annoying. :) (By the way, that photo is of me when I was younger. I dressed up for this competition on Lian Tanner's blog. I was a huge Keepers fan. Still am, actually. I have no idea why I'm embarrassing myself by putting that up. Ugh I hate myself right now. If you'd prefer that photo to be of me wearing a crap ton of make-up for my Aladdin play, leave a comment.)


  1. Explaining

    You guessed it; I'm explaining stuff!

  2. I Drew Bast!

    You guessed it; I drew Katy Perry. Just kidding, I drew Bast. Surprise surprise.

  3. Time for Lily to write things

  4. Hiro *Ethan* Nakamura!

    You'll get the joke above if you've seen the amazing TV show "Heroes".

  5. Totally Random



SadieKane SadieKane

Your welcome! You are an awesome friend. And, I would love to see some of your anime art!!

@Ariana Castler
No don't go! Thanks a lot ;) I've always loved drawing but I've never had natural talent so I don't draw often. Honestly, the most drawing I do is converting book characters into anime characters. Maybe I'll post some anime drawings... Thanks for your support, you're truly amazhang, :D

ValdezChic ValdezChic

Wow. Just wow. I'm an artist, and have been drawing since age six. I consider myself a good artist and you don't but...wow, your AMAZHANG!!! Haha!! I did a little joke in the word amazing! Get it? No? Anyone? Yes? I'll go now...


SadieKane SadieKane