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Poor Souls and Poisonous Plants

I woke up with Jack standing over me.

"I think I did a pretty good job." He said, impressed.

"Jack," Dove said with her arms crossed. "His large entestine is hanging out." Wait, what? I looked down at my side and saw a reddish pinkish tube sticking out of some poorly wrapped gauss.

"Gah!" I said as I squirmed up, instantly regretting it due to the amount of pain I found.

"Don't worry," Jack said. "Once we get to the house we can get the proper tools we need to get your insides back inside! " He said jokingly. "Now, that entestine is not going to just hang there or it'll fall out, which won't be too pretty. Dove, do you wanna carry him, or his entestines?" He asked. Dove retorted.

"I'm not touching any guts today, Jack." As Dove hoisted me up onto her shoulder, Jack grabbed my guts and held it in place so they would slop down on my nice new shoes.

"The house is about 5 minutes away." Said jack. "Can you wait that long?" I nodded, looking over at my girl friend... or, friend that was a girl... or, I don't know, soon to be girlfriend? Our relationship was kinda wonky at the moment. Especially since the last girl I tried to get together with had her neck cut open by Luke Castellan.

"Are you sure you're okay Allen?" Dove asked, worry in her eyes.

Time do be a totally ladies man, following in my dad's footsteps. I smiled and said something along the lines of "Dorsal tortilla wall." With a bit of saliva falling from the corner of my mouth. Nailed it.

"Idiot." Dove said as we reached the house. The potted plant lay perfectly in tact on the windowsill... directly above a corpse that looked vaguely familiar. A blood trail led from the door to the spot the body lay at, and then it struck me.

McKenna had bled to death.




percabeth120 percabeth120

That's frustrating.

Even I've lost track. Someone that Alec made enemies with :/

The Bright One The Bright One

@The Bright One
Who? Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with the Maury Povich show that this site has turned into as of late. (For you, the New Zealander, the Maury Povich Show is a dramatic relationship-ruining talk show where deadbeat dads have to face the fact that they have to pay child support. Look it up, the stuff's hilarious.)

Grafon Grafon

Mhm, and we have an idea who I is too :/

The Bright One The Bright One